Interview with Mojo:
How long have you been doing your clairvoyant readings?
To be honest, I have always been aware of having extra sight (a sixth sense). It also runs deep in my family.
I have been doing Tarot Readings since, the young age of 12 years old. I learned on my own & knew that I was on the right path, after I went to a psychic fair & I had predicted everything that happened before hand.
How did you come to the realization that you are an Expert?
I grew into the realization over time. When I was a child doing, readings my clients were always much older than me, & they would always ask me "How do I know this or that?" After hearing it on a normal basis, I started to believe more & more in what I am Naturally Gifted & Talented in, and that gave me the confidence of owning my expertise in my experience. One day I just said "Hey, I'm a expert in Divination."
What type of Clients do you have?
I have all types of clients. There is no type for me. Curiosity for what I do comes from everywhere & anybody.
What exactly is a Karma Readings - Spiritual Awakening with Mojo & what does that include?
A Karma Readings - Spiritual Awakening with Mojo is a series of well thought out classes of spiritual empowerment, motivational, mental enrichment, and physical dedication.
During these sessions, you will gain a better understand of the metaphysical world. I will guide you on your path & hold your hand during this exciting transformation that you are about to embark on. These sessions include, hands on work with Crystals & learning numerous way to read the energy frequencies. There are some exciting classes on Intuitive Psychic studies. We will also dive right into Auras, Chakras, Energy, and The Laws of Attraction & more. I want you to leave my sessions with the feelings of great Spiritual Knowledge, Total Energy Insight, Wealth of Emotional Strength & A New Mindset!!!
Now to achieve that you have to be ready to work. I am the guide on this spiritual tour, but you are the soul that has to experience it on your Path.
What is your Ideal Client?
My ideal client is a person that is ready to learn & grow on all 4 levels Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally & Physically. My Ideal client is drawn to me like a magnet of positive energy. My ideal client is YOU reading this!!!
How would you package your expertise?
I am the best that you will encounter. I have years of experience & I have your best interest at heart. I want to see you do your best & later you can call or text me about your wonderful life & how successful you are. To receive feedback on how well a client is doing is so rewarding! So my expertise package would be in the form of helping you create a beautiful life that you made a reality.
Thank you for stopping by my Site!!! Feel free to contact me about what is going on in your life.
Aloha from Mojo